Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Raglan baby T-shirt

A while ago I borrowed a couple of Ottobres from my colleague Rebekka.

I found this great pattern for a T-shirt, that didn't look too diffucult.
And at the FabricSpectacle in Lelystad I already bought some cool kid knit-fabrics.

So I started on my first real sewing project yesterday.
Other than sewing straight lines on cotton, I have never sewn anything without my moms help... So I was really scared ! ! !

The pattern I picked, really wasn't too difficult. I ran in to a little problem with the cuffs and collar, but I fixed that rather nicely, if I say so myself...
You can see what went wrong, but for a first try, I really happy with the result!



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I know, I planned to do this yesterday, but things turned out differently. And so here I am, typing this, while hubby is still sleeping and I haven't even made coffee yet...
Wait.. I'll be right back.. ;-D


Can't start the day without coffee, can you?

So, I promised to blog about my visit too the zoo.

I while ago, my 5year-old niece Wyneke phoned me, to ask if I wanted to go to the zoo with her.
She had an invitation from the "Jonge Mantelzorgers" (Young Carers), to go to Dierenpark Wissel in Epe.
So last Sunday we met up with a bunch of other kids and parents/grandparents and we went to Epe by bus.

Dierenpark Wissel is a really small zoo, they don't have any of the big animals like elephants, giraffes and lions. The biggest animal they have is a dwarf-hippo.
There are lots of smaller animals, which can be seen up close and personal... LOL...

We walked around the park for about two hours, watched the puppettheatre about Stein Stokstaartje (Stein Meerkat) and a bunch of other animals. My niece ate icecream and after that we went to the playground.
Well, Wyneke went to the playground and I sat on the terrace with the other adults.
This terrace was just around the orner from where the playground is, so whenever Wyneke needed something, she'd come and find me...
I, we, had a lot of fun, but I was really happy we went home an hour early.

Here are some pictures of the animals:


The cutest animal of them all:



Friday, July 15, 2011

Time off....

That's what I really need... Time off...

Last week has been crazy. Lots of stuff going on at work, introduction-afternoon with the (new)kids and "new" teachers. Fun, but not really well organised this year, so it was kinda hectic...

My substitute and I put the kids right to work on the birthdaycalendar for next year and it's gonna turn out so cool...!
We made frames with a crown on top, some glittery jewels and their names and birthdays below.
In the frame is gonna go a picture of each kid, I took those that afternoon...
There are only two new kids in our class and 6 that are transferring from the "start"class (instroomgroep)..
We're starting with 21 kids (for now, who knows how many parents enroll their kids at the last moment).

It's really weird, I'm constantly talking about "we", but my substitute is starting this class on her own in the new schoolyear and we're all really hoping she can stay after that as my co-worker (duo-partner), but nothing is sure at the moment, since there are LOTS of cuts in educationbudgets...
Which means that there are lots of teachers who have to find another spot and are in "mobility".
They have to be placed at other schools, so we're hoping everyone is placed in January, so my substitute can stay with us...!

It's really fun prepping everything with her, since we're on the same page with so much things. I thought it would be really hard for me to let things go. I'm really a "pull the strings" kinda person.
But she's really laid back and that makes is soooo much easier for me..

We also had parent-teacher conferences, not too much hard conversations... But still tiring for me.
And I started cleaning and clearing stuff in my classroom, so my substitute won't have to rummage through my junk when she starts...

So after work, each day, I had to nap for at least an hour so I could do some stuff around the house and just have a nice evening with my husband....
That's why I haven't been really active blogging this week...
Tomorrow I plan to do a post about my zoo-visit with my niece (lots of pictures) and after that it'll probably another disappearingact for the upcoming week...
Last week of work...!



Monday, July 4, 2011

MM: Cheating...

Since I don't really have the time to take a mirror-picture and my laptop has a webcam, I'm cheating today!

Can you see the stress on my face? I sure can see it, but I like the "glow" the webcam gives me...

Just two more reportcards to type and then it's on to other stressfull stuff...
Just three more weeks (13 schooldays) to go...



EDIT: They're done... ! ! ! (patting myself on the back...)

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Absolutely no creative time for me...

I'm swamped with schoolwork. Reportcards, getting everything ready for the teacher who'll replace me after the summerbreak, transfer-forms for the kids who're going to the next grade.
Last week we had two very hectic, fun-filled days of celebrating. Which took lots of preperationtime on forehand and organisation on the days themself...

And with only nine more weeks to go, 'till my due-date, my body is sooooo tired... So at the moment it's school (work), napping when I get home, dinner, more work on the couch or at the dinnertable and bedtime for me...

Just three more weeks to go and then it's summerbreak. And I have planned lots to do in my free time (when I'm not napping, that is ;D)

