We live in a 3 bedroom, 2 storey familyhome. We don't have an attic.
Before Joshua was born we used the middle bedroom as our "office/craftspace/library" (I'm a huge childrensbookfan). The smallest bedroom was used as our attic, to store all kinds of stuff we didn't use often.
The room was filled to the brim, you could only open the door and take one step inside, the rest of the floorspace was filled up.
When I found out I was pregnant, we started clearing out our "attic". We filled a large container with waste and brought LOADS of stuff to the thriftstore.
Things we really wanted to keep found a new "home" in the officebedroom and in the cabinets my dad proudly built above our stairs (we now call those our attic).
I never expected to accumulate sooooo much babystuff and toys in such a short time, Joshua is just 8 months old.... And we really don't buy much things, because I really DON'T want to spoil him...
We started organizing our livingroom and needed to clear some thing out. "Just store it in the office, until we find a better place." is a phrase heard often in our home...
With the result that our office is completely filled up with clutter...
So yesterday I started organizing and clearing out.
Three weeks ago my mom helped me to put all my schoolpapers in the right files. So I would have some space in the bookcases.
Last week we went to Ikea to buy plastic containers to store craftsupplies in and to put Joshua's clothes (which are too small already) in. The clothescontainers will be stored on my moms attic.
(Thanks mom! I tried to not keep too much... Just "special" stuff...)
I've already put lots of stuff on Marktplaats (dutch E-bay), take a look if there's anything you might be interested in?
I'll probably be adding more...
Here is a before picture... (I'm really embarrased to show this...)
The after picture is coming, I hope soon...!
Love, Caroline
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